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 +====== DITidy: Version History ======
 +=====DITidy v6.7.0 – 22 Nov 2023=====
 +  * Support Delphi 12 Athens Win32 and Win64.
 +=====DITidy 6.6.0 – 16 Sept 2021=====
 +  * Support Delphi 11 Alexandria Win32 and Win64.
 +=====DITidy 6.5.0 – 22 Jul 2021=====
 +Update libtidy to version 5.8.0 final. Main changes:
 +  * Add support for the ''%%<%%slot>'' tag.
 +  * Add IMG loading attribute ''TidyAttr_LOADING'', like ''%%<%%img loading="lazy" src="...">''.
 +  * Add SVG paint attributes: ''TidyAttr_FILL'', ''TidyAttr_FILLRULE'', ''TidyAttr_STROKE'', ''TidyAttr_STROKEDASHARRAY'', ''TidyAttr_STROKEDASHOFFSET'', ''TidyAttr_STROKELINECAP'', ''TidyAttr_STROKELINEJOIN'', ''TidyAttr_STROKEMITERLIMIT'', ''TidyAttr_STROKEWIDTH'', ''TidyAttr_COLORINTERPOLATION'', ''TidyAttr_COLORRENDERING'', ''TidyAttr_OPACITY'', ''TidyAttr_STROKEOPACITY'', ''TidyAttr_FILLOPACITY''.
 +  * Add support for HTML5 extended color names.
 +  * Warn and clean up multiple ''%%<%%title>'' elements. Also issue a warning if the ''%%<%%title>'' element is empty.
 +  * Fix ''%%<%%open>'' tag to boolean.
 +  * Fix percentage validation.
 +  * Fix ''TidyWrapPhp'' wrapping multiple lines.
 +  * Fix warning about missing ''%%<%%/summary>''.
 +  * Fix integer overflow parsing huge HTML documents.
 +  * Fix case-insensitive compare of ''html'' in doctype.
 +  * Fix AV when cleaning unbalanced ''%%<%%![if ...]> ... %%<%%![endif]>''.
 +  * Fix HTML parsing memory leaks.
 +  * Fix parsing files with the readonly attributes set.
 +  * Fix missing bounds check decoding MacRoman.
 +Other changes:
 +  * Add the ''TidyCloseQuotedValuesAtGt'' option. It instructs the parser to close a quoted value prematurely if it encounters a ">" character before or instead of the closing quote character. This can improve parsing of HTML tag attribute values which are accidentally missing a closing quote character.
 +=====DITidy 6.4.0 – 5 Jun 2020=====
 +  * Support Delphi 10.4 Sydney Win32 and Win64.
 +=====DITidy 6.3.0 – 10 Jan 2020=====
 +  * Add support for DATA element.
 +  * Keep case of anchors for HTML5.
 +=====DITidy 6.2.0 – 24 Dec 2018=====
 +  * Support Delphi 10.3 Rio Win32 and Win64.
 +=====DITidy 6.1.0 – 30 Sept 2018=====
 +  * ''TidyShowFilename'' option to show file names in error messages and warnings.
 +**Bug Fixes:**
 +  * ''tidyCleanAndRepair'' a malformed meta tag could cause an access violation.
 +  * COLOR attribute no longer causes a warning for LINK tags.
 +  * Fix SCRIPT parsing in HTML5 mode.
 +  * Allow "auto" for DIR attribute for HTML5.
 +=====DITidy 6.0.0 – 8 Dec 2017=====
 +  * ''tidyErrorSummary'' – Write error information to the current error sink.
 +  * ''tidyGeneralInfo'' – Write markup information to the current error sink.
 +  * ''tidyPlatform'' – The Tidy build platform.
 +  * ''tidyOptionIsList'' – Does an option take a list of items?
 +  * ''tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList'' – Create a new priority attributes iterator.
 +  * ''tidyOptGetNextPriorityAttr'' – Retrieve the first / next priority attribute from an iterator.
 +  * ''tidyOptGetMutedMessageList'' – Create a muted messages iterator.
 +  * ''tidyOptGetNextMutedMessage'' – Retrieve the first / next muted message from an iteraor.
 +  * ''tidySetEmacsFile'' – Set the file path to use for reports with TidyEmacs.
 +  * ''tidyGetEmacsFile'' – Get the file path to use for reports with TidyEmacs.
 +  * ''tidySetConfigCallback'' – Extend configuration file options.
 +  * ''tidySetConfigChangeCallback'' – Monitor configuration changes.
 +  * ''tidySetReportCallback'' – Use a va_lists callback to send reports.
 +  * ''tidySetMessageCallback'' – Use a TidyMessage callback to send reports.
 +  * ''tidyGetMessageDoc'' – Get the TidyDoc of a message.
 +  * ''tidyGetMessageCode'' – Get the integer code of a message.
 +  * ''tidyGetMessageKey'' – Get the text key of a message.
 +  * ''tidyGetMessageLine'' – Get the line number a message applies to.
 +  * ''tidyGetMessageColumn'' – Get the column a message applies to.
 +  * ''tidyGetMessageLevel'' – Get the TidyReportLevel of the message.
 +  * ''tidyGetMessageArguments'' – Create a new message arguments iterator.
 +  * ''tidyGetNextMessageArgument'' – Retrieve the first / next TidyMessageArgument from an iterator.
 +  * ''tidyGetArgType'' – Return the TidyFormatParameterType of the given message argument.
 +  * ''tidyGetArgFormat'' – Return the format specifier of the given message argument.
 +  * ''tidyGetArgValueString'' – Return the string value of the given message argument.
 +  * ''tidyGetArgValueUInt'' – Return the unsigned integer value of the given message argument.
 +  * ''tidyGetArgValueInt'' – Return the integer value of the given message argument.
 +  * ''tidyGetArgValueDouble'' – Return the double value of the given message argument.
 +  * ''tidyErrorCodeAsKey'' – Return the text message key from an integer message code.
 +  * ''tidyErrorCodeFromKey'' – Return the integer message code from a text message key.
 +  * ''getErrorCodeList'' – Create a new message code iterator.
 +  * ''getNextErrorCode'' – Get the first / next integer error code from an error code iterator.
 +  * ''tidySetLanguage'' – Set the Tidy output language.
 +  * ''tidyGetLanguage'' – Get the current Tidy output language.
 +  * ''tidyLocalizedStringN'' – Retrieve the localized string of a quantity.
 +  * ''tidyLocalizedString'' – Retrieve the localized string for a MessageType.
 +  * ''tidyDefaultString'' – Retrieve a MessageType string in the default localization.
 +  * ''getStringKeyList'' – Initiate an iterator for a list of string key codes available in Tidy.
 +  * ''getNextStringKey'' – Get the next key from a string key list iterator.
 +  * ''getInstalledLanguageList'' – Initiate an iterator for a list of Tidy's installed languages.
 +  * ''getNextInstalledLanguage'' – Get the next language string from the list of installed languages.
 +  * ''getWindowsLanguageList'' – Create a new Windows ↔ POSIX locale mappings iterator.
 +  * ''getNextWindowsLanguage'' – Get the next tidyLocaleMapItemPtr from a Windows language list iterator.
 +  * ''TidyLangWindowsName'' – Return the Windows name from a tidyLocaleMapItem.
 +  * ''TidyLangPosixName'' – Return the POSIX name from a tidyLocaleMapItem.
 +  * Delphi 4 and Delphi 5 support.
 +  * ''tidyAttrIsProp'' – it did not know the element which is required to tell whether an attribute is proprietary.
 +  * ''tidySetReportFilter2'' – replaced by similar function ''tidySetReportCallback''.
 +  * ''tidySetReportFilter3'' – replaced by similar function ''tidySetMessageCallback''.
 +  * All ''tidyNodeIs...'' functions – use ''tidyNodeGetId''.
 +  * All ''tidyAttrIs...'' functions – use ''tidyAttrGetId''.
 +  * ''tidySetReportFilter''.
 +  * ''TidyConfigCategory'' elements.
 +  * ''TidyDialogueDoc'' is deprecated: Use ''TidyDialogueFootnote'' instead.
 +**Bug Fixes:**
 +  * Add missing ''TidyDoc'' argument to ''tidyFileExists''.
 +  * Fix memory leak in ''tidyCleanAndRepair'' when converting XHTML input to HTML output.
 +  * Fix memory leaks with nested %%<%%a%%><%%div%%><%%a href=1>.
 +=====DITidy 5.11.0 – 1 Jun 2017=====
 +  * Add ''TidyAttr_XMLNSXLINK'' attribute "xmlns:xlink" to support inline %%<%%svg>.
 +  * If %%<%%table> is encountered when already in a %%<%%table>, close the first %%<%%table>. The previous action was to discard the second, while it is the second table that browsers will render.
 +  * Fix space missing when opening tag at end of a line.
 +  * Fix generating invalid UTF-8 (surrogate pairs).
 +=====DITidy 5.10.0 – 3 Apr 2017=====
 +  * Support Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Win32 and Win64.
 +=====DITidy 5.9.0 – 19 Dec 2016=====
 +  * Add a set of new parser options to disable detection of non-HTML tokens sometimes found in server contexts.
 +  * Fix: Especially crafted HTML could cause the parser to enter an infinite loop.
 +  * Fix a ''tidyOptParseValue'' access violation crash when writing a read-only option.
 +=====DITidy 5.8.0 – 9 Sep 2016=====
 +  * Add option ''TidyEscapeScripts'' to control how DITidy escapes items that look like closing tags in scripts. Enabled by default.
 +  * Add support for HTML5 attributes ''TidyAttr_CROSSORIGIN'', ''TidyAttr_INTEGRITY'', ''TidyAttr_AS''.
 +  * Fix wrong indentation if ''TidyOmitOptionalTags'' is enabled.
 +  * Allow zero %%<%%li> in %%<%%ul> in HTML5.
 +  * Do not crash ''tidyCleanAndRepair'' if no document was loaded.
 +=====DITidy 5.7.0 – 7 May 2016=====
 +  * Support Delphi 10.1 Berlin Win32 and Win64.
 +=====DITidy 5.6.3 – 10 Mar 2016=====
 +  * New tidySetReportFilter3 and TidyReportFilter3.
 +  * New ''tidySetPrettyPrinterCallback'' and ''TidyPPProgress''.
 +  * Add options ''TidySkipNested'' and ''TidyStrictTagsAttr''.
 +  * HTML5 improvements and bug fixes.
 +=====DITidy 5.6.2 – 15 Sep 2015=====
 +  * Support Delphi 10 Seattle Win32 and Win64.
 +  * Add ''tidyAttrDiscard'' and ''tidyDiscardElement'' interfaces.
 +=====DITidy 5.6.1 – 25 Apr 2015=====
 +  * Add support for Delphi XE8 Win32 and Win64.
 +  * New ''tidyLibraryVersion'' to replace deprecated ''tidyReleaseDate''.
 +  * New tidySetReportFilter2 message filter using a TidyReportFilter2 callback.
 +  * New ''tidyReportDoctype''.
 +  * Numerous HTML5 improvements and bug fixes.
 +=====DITidy 5.6.0 – 3 Oct 2014=====
 +  * Support Delphi XE7 Win32 and Win64.
 +  * Improved documentation.
 +=====DITidy 5.5.0 – 28 Apr 2014=====
 +  * Support Delphi XE6 Win32 and Win64.
 +=====DITidy 5.0.1 – 17 Feb 2014=====
 +  * New ''DITidyUtils'' unit with useful functions to simplify document parsing from ''TStream'', among others.
 +  * New example project to show how to iterate a node tree __without__ recursion in ''Demos\DITidy_Traverse_Tree\DITidy_Traverse_Tree_non_recursive.dpr''.
 +=====DITidy 5.0.0 – 25 Sep 2013=====
 +  * Support Delphi XE5 Win32 and Win64.
 +=====DITidy 4.5.0 – 14 Jun 2013=====
 +  * Support Delphi XE4 Win32 and Win64.
 +=====DITidy 4.0.0 – 4 Oct 2012=====
 +  * Support Delphi XE3 Win32 and Win64.
 +  * Support HTML5 tag and attribute processing.
 +  * New options: ''TidyShowInfo'', ''TidyOmitOptionalTags'', ''TidyGDocClean'', and ''TidyDropEmptyElems''.
 +  * Option ''TidyHideEndTags'' renamed to ''TidyCoerceEndTags'', but still supported.
 +  * Fix: ''TidyMakeClean'' must not merge inline scripts into %%<%%p> or %%<%%div>.
 +  * Other bug fixes.
 +=====DITidy 3.1.0 – 22 Dec 2011=====
 +  * Support Delphi XE2 Win64.
 +=====DITidy 3.0.0 – 15 Oct 2011=====
 +  * Support Delphi XE2 Win32.
 +=====DITidy 2.2.0 – 28 Sep 2010=====
 +  * Delphi XE support.
 +=====DITidy 2.1.0 – 14 Sep 2009=====
 +  * Delphi 2010 support.
 +  * Some minor Tidy bug fixes.
 +=====DITidy 2.0.0 – 11 Mar 2009=====
 +  * Delphi 2009 support.
 +  * New ''TidyAnchorAsName'' option.
 +  * Fix backslash in a URI in with javascript, which was converted to slash.
 +  * Fix some Word 2000 HTML parsing which could remove some content.
 +  * Fix an AV in HTML parsing.
 +=====DITidy 1.1 – 6 Sep 2007=====
 +  * Fix interface for ''TidyAllocator'' and ''TidyAllocatorVtbl''.
 +  * New Tidy options ''TidySortAttributes'' and ''TidyMergeSpans''.
 +  * New proprietary option ''TidyDropEmptyHeadings''.
 +  * New ''TidyTagIdSet'' type.
 +  * New Delphi extra function ''tidyBufAppendStr''.
 +  * Remove "type" from definition of ''tmbstr = C_char_ptr;'' to achieve compatiblity with ''PAnsiChar''.
 +  * New DITidy_Analyse GUI demo.
 +  * DITidy_Node_TreeView demo: Show node types for Start, End, and StartEnd, Reload button, Options tab sheet, auto-restore options on startup.
 +=====DITidy 1.0 – 31 May 2007=====
 +  * First public release.
products/tidy/history.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/23 10:18 by